WW Intern Profile Singapore: Sharifah Salmah Bt Abdullah- Education

Hello, I’m Salome. I’m now assigned to the Public sector group and specify in education department. My project is on building partnership with MOE such as schools, colleges and universities. To be specific, I’m supposed to secure an alliance agreement with an in-service teacher institution and hold activities with them. Besides, I am also responsible to increase the usage of Live@edu in universities that already deploy it. Why I join Microsoft? The reason derives from my passion to make a difference and help community enhance their living status. My passion started off from my participation in Student in Free Enterprise (SIFE), an organization that its motive is helping community to achieve a better living through business and education. With Microsoft, I believe I can  accomplish and fulfill my passion to help others through technology. Im so happy to Sharifah be given a position in public sector(education) because I believe change comes with education. To be part of it make me feel satisfied and happy. I love what I am doing now and hoping I can do my best and make a change in other people’s life. Ok…enough of passion..so here comes my pastime activities…I love to dance and think im good at belly dancing ;P….i love to sing and I wish I could sew….:p I love fashion and hoping someday I could design my own clothes. So that’s all about me…

P/s : I hope we will all do our best in this internship and have fun doing so!

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