Why do we have much fun?

One of the most emphasized work cultures in Microsoft is the work-life balance; to be able to juggle work and your own life at the same time. As in any company, when you’re here you have to work hard and meet your goals (even fly if you can; especially if you’re under MACH).  And when you work here, especially with all the great people you meet that would help and motivate you through the day and the fact they you came here to prove your worth, you’d work hard. In addition to that, most of us are foreign to the country so we’re away from our friends and family, so it’s very easy to be absorbed with work. We knew however that we wanted to have fun together at the same time. We’re in a new place together! And it should be an adventure! Taking this opportunity (and
staying true to the work-life balance), we ended up organizing lots of activities together! We’ve done so many things! We went to eat really yummy crab at Joo Chiat. Singapore is famous for its chili crab and black pepper crab. And the one we had at Joo Chiat was marvelous! It was big, juicy and spicy. It was worth cracking all that shell and getting messy!

We’ve watched Transformers 3 together. We went straight from work! And so some of us had our laptop bags! We took half a row in the cinema all for ourselves.

We’ve went for shopping expeditions around Singapore as well. The boys prove to be greater shopaholics than the girls! It was quite fascinating to see it happen. Last week itself we had a movie night, we watched Insidious, a horror movie, at one of the intern’s
apartment. It was so scary that I hid behind a pillow during most of the movie.
>__< It was so nice to have everyone there in a full room, even if it was
for a scary movie.

Spending so much time with each other we also learn each other’s languages and cultures. For instance, we learn of the Singaporean’s sensitivity to different races and their strong sense of consumer rights. I learned that in Philippines most people are
racially Malay and they eat with their hands too! I learn that Thai people are
super stylish. I learn that Indonesians love their chili as much as I do. And
Vietnamese people really love eating vegetables. It’s interesting that it’s
easy to make friends with all of them, even when we are from totally different
backgrounds! I’m really grateful for that exposure. And I also hope to keep
these friends; they’re my link to all of South East Asia! I have someone to
visit in each of these countries later.

By Adila Khairul